Convulsive Editions is a micro-press that publishes affordable, well-designed chapbooks, broadsides, french folds, and other printed matter featuring lyrical writing that quakes and rattles.
We take our name from AndrĂ© Breton who suggests the idea of "convulsive beauty" in Nadja: “It consists of jolts and shocks, many of which do not have much importance, but which we know are destined to produce one Shock, which does.”
We are especially interested in promoting the work of early career poets. Our tastes lean toward poetry that engages in some way with surrealism, however loosely defined.
Chapbooks by Dina Hardy, Catherine Theis, Christopher Hund, Michael Anichini, Chad Chmielowicz, and Tanya Larkin and Ben Gawker and broadsides by Larry Sawyer, James Shea, and Jared Stanley are available here.
Our books are now available at Quimby's and Woodland Pattern.
Our books are now available at Quimby's and Woodland Pattern.
Nicole Flores (send email)
Nathan Hoks (send email)